The Twice-a-week Democrat, Marlin, Texas, Saturday, November 27, 1915


Dagg – Snead Wedding


Miss Edith Mae Dagg of Alvin and Mr. Albert H. Snead of Marlin were united in marriage at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, Novenber 24,in the First Presbyterian church at Alvin, the Rev. Dr. R. M. Hall, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Galveston, officiating.

The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dagg. Her maid of honor was Miss Hinnie Moore, and the best man to the groom was Mr. Joe Wellboan, brother-in-law of the bride. Miss Sue Southwick gave the wedding march as the bride and groom entered. Marshall Wellboan and Alf H Tolar were the ushers.

The church was handsomely decorated, and there were many friends from Alvin and other South Texas cities present.

Following the muptial ceremony, the bridal party and close friends were guests at a reception given in horor of Mr. and Mrs. Snead at the of Mr. and Mrs. Welboan. After a short visit in South Texas they will be at in Marlin.


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